====== PostgreSQL ======
[[https://www.postgresql.org|PostgreSQL]] is an open source relational database. It's a popular backend for many applications that need a database.
Also refer to [[https://wiki.debian.org/PostgreSql|Debian Wiki page for PostgreSQL]].
===== Installing =====
apt-cache search postgresql
apt install postgresql-11
# Confirm it's running
systemctl status postgresql
# Confirm it's listening on tcp 5432
netstat -ntlp # apt install net-tools
# By default, it will only listen locally
==== General configuration =====
Edit the ''postgresql.conf'' file to change basic settings like port, listen address, and number of connections.
vim /etc/postgresql/11/main/postgresql.conf
# Then restart it
systemctl restart postgresql
==== Configure authentication ====
By default, it will allow authentication by local Linux user account (''peer'') and also using regular username/password (''md5'') from localhost. To modify this, edit the ''pg_hba.conf'' file. In this file, change the IP ranges or methods for authentication to suit your needs.
# Edit the auth config
vim /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf
# In Fedora: /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# Then restart
systemctl restart postgresql
The installer will create a local user named ''postgres'' that you can use as the admin. Once you are logged in as an admin you can create databases and users as needed.
# Get an admin sql shell
sudo -u postgres psql
===== Common tasks =====
==== Get a psql shell ====
# Get admin shell
sudo -u postgres psql
# Connect to specific database
psql -d cathyplus
# Specify username, database, and host. (-W means ask for password)
psql -d cathyplus -U cathy -W -h localhost
Note, in MacOS, the shell is at ''/Library/PostgreSQL/12/scripts/runpsql.sh''.
==== List users ====
==== List databases ====
==== Create database ====
==== Create user ====
This will create a user with a password (for md5 auth) and grant them all privileges on a database (admin rights).
==== Change database ====
\c mydb
==== List tables ====
==== Show table schema ====
\d mytable
==== Data types ====
These are some of the data types that PostgreSQL supports.
Referenced from [[https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/datatype.html]].
Common types:
* Integer (int/int4, int8)
* Float (float4, float8)
* Bit sequence (bit)
* Boolean (boolean)
* Text (varchar, char)
* Datetime (timestamp, date, time)
* Networking (inet, macaddr, cidr)
* Data (json, xml)
* money
* tsquery (text search query)
* tsvector (text search document)
* uuid
==== Backup ====
You can use the ''pg_dump'' tool to dump a database for backup.
# Using TCP and md5 auth
pg_dump -d mydb -h localhost -p 5432 -U myuser
# Using postgres admin with peer auth
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -d mydb
# Or
pg_dump -U postgres -d mydb
To restore, use the ''psql'' shell and pipe in the file.