====== Dialog - Terminal Menu Creator ======
[[https://invisible-island.net/dialog/|Dialog]] is a script-driven menu and text interface generation tool. For example, it has file pickers, menus, checklists, confirmations, calendars, progress bars, etc.
The official documentation and downloads are at [[https://invisible-island.net/dialog/#documentation]].
More screenshots and examples of all widgets are available at [[https://invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog-figures.html]].
===== Install =====
In Debian and most Linux distributions it's as simple as using the package manager to install:
apt install dialog
dpkg -L dialog
dialog --version
dialog --help
man dialog
If you want to build from source, simply download, configure, and make:
wget ftp://ftp.invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog.tar.gz
tar xzf dialog.tar.gz
cd dialog-1.3-20210324 # Or whatever it is
./configure --help | less # Check options
./dialog --version
./dialog --help
make install # optional
===== Example usage =====
Here is an example of a menu with a list of choices:
# Generate a menu
dialog --menu "Open mail" 20 40 10 \
"Account 1" "~/.muttrc.1" "Account 2" "~/.muttrc.2" \
# answer.txt will contain 'Account 1' or 'Account 2'
Here is another example that shows how to get output a different way. This is out it is done in the examples in the source code.
# Create temp stream for current shell
exec 3>&1
# Prompt with dialog and get response
user_text=$(dialog --inputbox Testing 0 0 2>&1 1>&3)
# Store return value of dialog process. 0 = success.
# Check if it's 0 to confirm they didn't cancel
# Close the temp stream
exec 3>&-
# Print the results
Echo "Program exit code: $exit_code"
echo "User input: $user_text"
===== Available options =====
Below you will find a list of all the options and menus available. Also refer to [[https://invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog-figures.html]] for screenshots and examples of all widgets.
There are also numerous script examples in the [[https://invisible-island.net/dialog/#download|source code]] in a directory called ''samples/''
$ dialog --help
cdialog (ComeOn Dialog!) version 1.2-20130523
Copyright 2000-2012,2013 Thomas E. Dickey
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
* Display dialog boxes from shell scripts *
Usage: dialog { --and-widget }
where options are "common" options, followed by "box" options
Special options:
[--create-rc "file"]
Common options:
[--ascii-lines] [--aspect ] [--backtitle ] [--beep]
[--beep-after] [--begin ] [--cancel-label ] [--clear]
[--colors] [--column-separator ] [--cr-wrap] [--date-format ]
[--default-button ] [--default-item ] [--defaultno]
[--exit-label ] [--extra-button] [--extra-label ]
[--help-button] [--help-label ] [--help-status] [--hfile ]
[--hline ] [--ignore] [--input-fd ] [--insecure] [--item-help]
[--keep-tite] [--keep-window] [--last-key] [--max-input ]
[--no-cancel] [--no-collapse] [--no-cr-wrap] [--no-items] [--no-kill]
[--no-label ] [--no-lines] [--no-mouse] [--no-nl-expand]
[--no-ok] [--no-shadow] [--no-tags] [--nook] [--ok-label ]
[--output-fd ] [--output-separator ] [--print-maxsize]
[--print-size] [--print-version] [--quoted] [--scrollbar]
[--separate-output] [--separate-widget ] [--shadow]
[--single-quoted] [--size-err] [--sleep ] [--stderr] [--stdout]
[--tab-correct] [--tab-len ] [--time-format ] [--timeout ]
[--title ] [--trace ] [--trim] [--version] [--visit-items]
[--yes-label ]
Box options:
--buildlist ...
--checklist ...
===== .dialogrc file =====
You can specify settings in a ''~/.dialogrc'' file. There might also be one in your system under ''/etc/dialogrc''.
To generate a default rc file, run the following command.
# Create a ~/.dialogrc file
dialog --create-rc ~/.dialogrc
Then you'll have an rc file with all the color and options populated for you to modify.
==== Change colors ===
If you want to see some example rc files, check in the [[https://invisible-island.net/dialog/#download|source code]] in a directory called ''samples/''. For example ''whiptail.rc''. Screenshots are available at [[https://invisible-island.net/dialog/dialog-figures.html#list_colors]]. Refer to the file ''dlg_colors.h'' in the source code for a list of available colors. There aren't a ton, but it looks like there is:
* ''BLACK''
* ''WHITE''
* ''CYAN''
* ''BLUE''
* ''YELLOW''
* ''RED''
Also make sure ''use_color = ON'' and not OFF.
To override the default rc filename, set a ''DIALOGRC'' environment variable to specify the file you want to use.
Here is a sample ''.dialogrc'' file that has DevDungeon-ish themed colors:
# Run-time configuration file for dialog
# Types of values:
# Number -
# String - "string"
# Boolean -
# Attribute - (foreground,background,highlight?,underline?,reverse?)
# Set aspect-ration.
aspect = 0
# Set separator (for multiple widgets output).
separate_widget = ""
# Set tab-length (for textbox tab-conversion).
tab_len = 0
# Make tab-traversal for checklist, etc., include the list.
visit_items = OFF
# Shadow dialog boxes? This also turns on color.
use_shadow = OFF
# Turn color support ON or OFF
use_colors = ON
screen_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON)
shadow_color = (RED,RED,ON)
dialog_color = (CYAN,BLACK,OFF)
title_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON)
border_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON)
button_active_color = (BLACK,CYAN,ON)
button_inactive_color = dialog_color
button_key_active_color = button_active_color
button_key_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
button_label_active_color = (WHITE,CYAN,ON)
button_label_inactive_color = (WHITE,BLACK,ON)
inputbox_color = dialog_color
inputbox_border_color = dialog_color
searchbox_color = dialog_color
searchbox_title_color = title_color
searchbox_border_color = border_color
position_indicator_color = title_color
menubox_color = dialog_color
menubox_border_color = border_color
item_color = dialog_color
item_selected_color = button_active_color
tag_color = title_color
tag_selected_color = button_label_active_color
tag_key_color = button_key_inactive_color
tag_key_selected_color = (CYAN,BLACK,ON)
check_color = dialog_color
check_selected_color = button_active_color
uarrow_color = (RED,BLACK,ON)
darrow_color = uarrow_color
itemhelp_color = (WHITE,BLACK,OFF)
form_active_text_color = button_active_color
form_text_color = (WHITE,CYAN,ON)
form_item_readonly_color = (CYAN,WHITE,ON)
gauge_color = title_color
border2_color = dialog_color
inputbox_border2_color = dialog_color
searchbox_border2_color = dialog_color
menubox_border2_color = dialog_color