====== Terminal Web Browsing and BitTorrent with ELinks ====== [[http://elinks.or.cz/|ELinks]] is a terminal text-based web browser. The full official manual can be found at [[http://elinks.or.cz/documentation/index.html]]. Some other text-based browsers include [[https://invisible-island.net/lynx/|Lynx]] and [[http://links.twibright.com/|Links]]. ===== Installation ===== In Debian and many distributions you can simply install it with your package manager: sudo apt install elinks You can also build it from source by downloading it from [[http://elinks.or.cz/]] and build it using your typical C build process of configure and make. wget http://elinks.or.cz/download/elinks-current-0.13.tar.gz tar xzf elinks-current-0.13.tar.gz cd elinks-0.13-20210402 # Or whatever it's named ./configure --help | less # You might also need to install some dev libraries like: sudo apt install libz-dev libssl-dev libbz2-dev ./configure --enable-gopher --enable-smb --enable-256-colors \ --enable-html-highlight --with-python --with-x --enable-bittorrent make src/elinks sudo make install # Optional ===== Basic usage ===== To launch elinks, simply invoke ''elinks'' from the command-line. elinks # Open multiple tabs at once elinks devdungeon.com electropunk.net The main menu at the top is your best friend when starting out. Use the ''ALT'' key (or mouse if it is supported) to open the menu in the top. From here you can explore some of the capabilities. To see what features ELinks was built with, go to the Help | About menu with ''ALT-h a''. Your version may or may not have support for BitTorrent and Gopher protocols, mouse support, SSL/TLS, and other things. * Navigating * Open a URL - ''g'' (empty field), ''G'' (prefilled with current URL), or ''e'' (prefilled with selected link) * Scroll down and up - ''CTRL-n''/''CTRL-p'' or mouse wheel * Page down - ''PAGE DOWN'', ''CTRL-f'', ''SPACE'' * Page up - ''PAGE UP'', ''CTRL-b'', ''b'' * Jump to top/bottom of page - ''CTRL-a''/''CTRL-e'' * Go back/forward - ''LEFT''/''u'' * Select next/previous link - ''UP''/''DOWN'' * Open current link - ''ENTER'' * Open current link in new tab - ''T'' * Tabs * Open a new tab - ''t'' * Close a tab - ''c'' * Open tab menu - ''e'' * Next/previous tab - ''>''/''<'' * Move tab position - ''ALT->''/''ALT-<'' * Downloads * Download selected link - ''d'' * Open download manager - ''D'' * Bookmarks * Add a bookmark - ''a'' * Bookmark current page - ''A'' * Bookmark manager - ''s'' * Misc * Open a temporary shell - ''ALT-f o'' * Open history - ''h'' * Edit keybinds - ''k'' * Quit - ''q''