


Title Date Posted Tags
Change Drupal Theme with MySQL 2012-10-16 Drupal, MySQL, PHP
Updating Drupal jQuery 2012-10-17 jQuery, Drupal, PHP
JavaScript source code highlighter - Prettify 2012-10-18 Drupal, JavaScript, PHP
PHP Show All Errors 2012-10-21 PHP
Drupal Search Engine Optimization 2012-10-21 Drupal, SEO, PHP
Useful Linux Bash Shell Aliases 2012-11-11 Linux, Bash, sysadmin
Bash Shortcut Keys 2012-11-20 Bash, sysadmin
Create Script from Bash History 2012-11-21 Bash, sysadmin
CakePHP vs Drupal 2012-11-21 Drupal, CakePHP, PHP
16 Recommended Drupal Modules 2012-11-21 Drupal, PHP
Chrome Extensions for Web Developers 2012-11-21 Chrome
SVN with Cyrus sasl2db on CentOS 2012-12-06 SVN, sysadmin, sasl, CentOS
Google Analytics Event Tracking in Drupal 7 (Hooks & OnClick) 2012-12-15 Drupal, Google Analytics, PHP
Responsive CSS Media Queries 2013-02-10 CSS, responsive
Writing Secure Code with CakePHP 2.x Forms 2013-02-17 CakePHP, Security, PHP
AJAX Form Submit with CakePHP 2.x 2013-03-24 CakePHP, AJAX, JavaScript, PHP
Removing all .svn Folders Recursively with find 2013-04-23 SVN, Linux, Bash, sysadmin
Replacing a String in a File with sed 2013-06-06 sed, Bash, sysadmin
Web Scraping Tutorial in JavaScript (Node.js) 2013-06-27 Node.js, Web Scraping
Exchange 2010 Calendar and Mail with Thunderbird 2013-07-01 sysadmin
Living Without Adobe Flash Player 2013-07-10 Philosophy
AJAX Pagination and Sorting with CakePHP 2.x 2013-07-11 CakePHP, AJAX, JavaScript, PHP
Installing and Configuring FreeNAS 8.3.1 2013-07-12 sysadmin
Installing, Configuring and Customizing Arch Linux 2013-07-12 Linux, Arch Linux, sysadmin
Customizing Openbox Window Manager in Arch Linux 2013-07-13 Linux, Arch Linux
Customizing Gnome 3 Desktop Environment in Arch Linux 2013-07-13 Linux, Arch Linux
Wardriving with Android GPS, Kismet, BlueNMEA and gpsd. 2013-07-21 Android, Security
Preventing Cross-site Scripting (XSS) with CakePHP 2.x 2014-03-10 CakePHP, Security, PHP
Why I Like Go 2014-04-24 Go
HTML Templates in Go 2014-04-26 Go
How to Write Command Line Tools 2014-04-28 Bash, sysadmin, CLI
Beginner Lisp Programming 2014-05-04 Lisp, Hello World
AT&T Archives: The Unix Operating System 2014-06-01 Linux, sysadmin, Philosophy
Installing Apache mod_wsgi in Arch Linux 2015-04-26 Arch Linux, Apache, Python, wsgi
Unit Testing TCP Server & Client with Python 2015-04-28 Python, TCP
Arch Linux VPS Host Options 2015-05-02 Arch Linux
Using .tpl Template Files in Custom Drupal 7 Modules 2015-06-20 Drupal, PHP
2D Arrays and Slices in Go 2015-07-26 Go
How to Perform Git Operations with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP, git
How to Crop Images with PHP GD and Imagick 2015-07-27 PHP
How to Nmap Scan with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP, nmap
How to Use PHP's Built-in Web Server 2015-07-27 PHP
Simple PHP TCP Server 2015-07-27 PHP, TCP
How to Use SSL Sockets with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP, SSL, TCP
How to Use XMPP/Jabber with PHP 2015-07-27 XMPP, PHP
Command Line Arguments in PHP 2015-07-27 PHP, CLI
How to Use CURL Options in PHP 2015-07-27 PHP, cURL
How to Tail a File with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP
How to Use SQLite3 with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP, SQLite
How to Use Tk to Make GUI Applications with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP, tcl/tk, Hello World
How to Crawl Web Pages with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP
How to Parse HTML DOM with PHP 2015-07-27 PHP
How to Write GTK Applications with PHP 2015-07-28 PHP, GTK, Hello World
How to Write a Chrome Browser Extension 2015-07-28 Chrome, Browser Extensions, Hello World
Hello World with Tcl 2015-07-28 tcl/tk, Hello World
How to Read/Write a File with Tcl 2015-07-28 tcl/tk
How to Use Command Line Arguments in Tcl 2015-07-28 tcl/tk, CLI
How to Get User Input in Tcl 2015-07-28 tcl/tk
Control Structures in Tcl 2015-07-28 tcl/tk
Hello World with Scala 2015-07-28 Scala, JVM, Hello World
How to Read/Write Files with Scala 2015-07-28 Scala, JVM
How to Use Command Line Arguments in Scala 2015-07-28 Scala, JVM
Hello World with NASM Assembler 2015-07-28 Assembly, NASM, Hello World
How to Mix C and Assembly 2015-07-29 Assembly, C, NASM
Hello World in Haskell 2015-07-30 Haskell, Hello World
Command Line Arguments in Haskell 2015-07-30 Haskell, CLI
Input, Output, and Concatenation with Haskell 2015-07-30 Haskell, CLI
How to Manage CPAN Urllist 2015-07-30 Perl
Serial Communication in Perl 2015-08-01 Perl, Arduino
Working with Directories in Perl 2015-08-01 Perl, Regex
Exif Image Metadata with Perl 2015-08-01 Perl
Getting User Input with Perl 2015-08-01 Perl, CLI
Working with Files with Perl 2015-08-01 Perl, sysadmin
How to Access WebRTC Audio and Video 2015-08-01 JavaScript, WebRTC
jQuery in Node.js with Cheerio 2015-08-01 Node.js, jQuery, JavaScript
Using Command Line Arguments in Node.js 2015-08-01 Node.js, JavaScript, CLI
Working with files in JavaScript (Node.js) 2015-08-01 Node.js, JavaScript, CLI
Using Wget in Node.js 2015-08-01 Node.js, JavaScript
CoffeeScript Basics 2015-08-01 JavaScript, CoffeeScript, Node.js
Working with Images in Go 2015-08-02 Go
Writing a Mumble Bot in Ruby 2015-08-02 Ruby, Mumble, Bot
Daemonizing Ruby Scripts 2015-08-03 Ruby, sysadmin
AI Chat Bot in Python with AIML 2015-08-03 Python, AIML, Bot
My First DEF CON 2015-08-12 DEF CON
Using libpcap in C 2015-08-14 C, pcap, Security, sysadmin, TCP, Linux, Mac
Packet Capture, Injection, and Analysis with Gopacket 2015-08-16 Go, pcap, sysadmin, Security, TCP, Windows, Linux, Mac
IP Geolocation in Go 2015-08-17 Go
Desktop Notifications in Linux with Python 2015-08-18 Python, Gnome, notifications, Linux, GUI
Working with Files in Go 2015-08-23 Go, sysadmin
Working with Binary Data in Python 2015-11-22 Python, Binary, Files, sysadmin, CLI
Fix Pip Install Unable to Find vcvarsall.bat 2015-11-28 Python, Windows, C, C++
Installing PyCrypto/Paramiko for Python3 x64 Windows 2015-11-28 Python
GUI Programming with Python Tkinter 2015-12-05 Python, GUI, tcl/tk, tkinter, Windows, Linux, Mac
Binaural Beats with Java 2016-01-17 Java
Text-To-Speech with Python Espeak 2016-01-30 Python, Text-to-speech, Linux, Mac
Book Review: The Pragmatic Programmer 2016-05-08 Book Review
I'm Speaking at GopherCon about Packet Capturing 2016-05-10 Go, GopherCon
"I know how to program, but I don't know what to program" 2016-05-10 Philosophy, Soft skills
Juggling Projects 2016-05-13 Philosophy, Soft skills
How to Make Your Programming Resume Stand Out 2016-05-18 Philosophy, Soft skills
Working with Spreadsheets in Python 2016-07-16 Python, spreadsheets, Excel, CSV, sysadmin
Detective Dana 2016-08-11 Fiction, Forensics
Making Tor HTTP Requests with Go 2016-09-16 Go, Tor
Making Tor Requests with command-line cURL 2016-09-16 Tor, cURL
Setting up Tor Proxy and Hidden Services in Linux 2016-09-16 CentOS, Tor, sysadmin, Linux, Security, TCP
Creating Systemd Service Files 2016-09-16 sysadmin, systemd, Linux
Binaural Beat Generator 2016-10-01 Java, GUI
TCP Null 2016-10-21 Java, GUI, sysadmin, Project, Swing
Ip2Kml 2016-10-22 Java, GUI, Security, Application Security, Project
Rest Tester 2016-11-13 Java, GUI, JavaFX, Project
Web Genome 2016-11-14 Go, Project, Web, CSS, HTML, Web Crawling, Web Scraping
NanoLife 2016-11-19 Ruby, Project, Game dev, Gosu, Game of Life, GUI
PyCharm Tips 2016-11-27 Python, PyCharm, IDE
Python Tutorial - Starting Your Cookbook 2016-12-03 Python, Cookbook, PyCharm
Python Tutorial - User Input and Output 2016-12-05 Python, PyCharm, Cookbook
Python Tutorial - Guessing Game 2016-12-05
Python Tutorial - Functions 2016-12-12 Python, PyCharm, Cookbook
Similarities Between Music and Programming 2017-04-02 Programming, Music, Philosophy, Soft skills
Book Review: Data and Goliath 2017-04-09
Priorities 2017-04-19 Philosophy, Soft skills
Burn Out 2017-04-19 Philosophy, Soft skills
Discord Webhook Tutorial to Check Bitcoin Price with Python 2017-10-20 Python, Discord, Bot
Cathy Chat Bot 2017-12-09 Python, AIML, Chat bot, Bot, Project, Discord
Security with Go - My book now published! 2018-01-28 Go, Security, Cryptography, Application Security, RSA, Hashing, SSL, sysadmin, TLS, SSH, Pentest
Make a Discord Bot with Python 2018-02-16 Discord, Bot, Python
Make a Discord Bot with Python - Part 2 2018-02-16 Discord, Bot, Python
How to enable qDebug messages for Qt 2018-03-06 Qt, C++, Linux
How to setup gcc (MSYS2) for Eclipse in Windows for C++ development 2018-03-07 gcc, C++, Windows, Eclipse
Install multiple JDK in Windows for Java Development 2018-03-15 Java, Windows, Hello World, sysadmin
Help Desk Bot 2018-03-18 Python, Discord, Bot, sysadmin, Project, utility
mysql2excel 2018-03-18 Java, Project, GUI, Swing, sysadmin, MySQL, spreadsheets, Excel
Maven Basics for Java Developers 2018-03-19 Java, Maven
Taking Command Line Arguments in Java 2018-03-20 Java, CLI
Taking Command Line Arguments in Bash 2018-03-20 Bash, CLI
Packet capturing in Java with Pcap4j 2018-03-21 Java, pcap, TCP, Linux, Mac, Windows, Security
Standard Input, Output, and Error in Java 2018-03-22 Java, CLI
Web Scraping with Go 2018-03-24 Go, Web Scraping, Web Crawling, HTTP
JavaScript Discord Bot Tutorial 2018-09-09 Discord, Bot, JavaScript, Node.js
Install gcc compiler on Windows with MSYS2 for C/C++ 2018-10-07 C, C++, MSYS2, PacMan, mingw, gcc
Creating self-signed SSL certificates with OpenSSL 2018-10-08 Security, OpenSSL, RSA, SSL, TLS, Cryptography, sysadmin, Apache
LetsEncrypt Free SSL Certificate Tutorial 2018-10-08 Security, Cryptography, RSA, SSL, TLS, Nginx, Java, TomCat, Go, Node.js, JavaScript, Apache, Python, PHP, Linux, sysadmin, JSP, Servlet, LetsEncrypt
One-line HTTP servers 2018-10-21 sysadmin, HTTP, Nginx, Apache, OpenSSL, LetsEncrypt, Python, Ruby, JRuby, PHP, TomCat, TCP
Nginx Tutorial 2018-10-21 Nginx, Java, TomCat, Go, Node.js, JavaScript, Apache, PHP, Linux, sysadmin, JSP, Servlet, Python, Proxy, WSL, TCP
TomCat Tutorial 2018-10-24 Java, TomCat, sysadmin, JSP, Servlet, Linux, Mac, Windows, TCP
Create ASCII Art Text Banners in Python 2018-10-27 Python, CLI, sysadmin, Bash
Text-to-speech in Python with pyttsx3 2018-10-27 Python, Linux, Windows, Mac, Text-to-speech
Grab Image from Clipboard in Python with Pillow 2018-10-27 Python, Images, Pillow, Windows, Mac
Curses in Windows with Python 2018-10-27 Python, curses, Windows, CLI, sysadmin
Colorize Terminal Output in Python 2018-10-28 Python, CLI, sysadmin, Linux, Windows, Mac
GPG Tutorial 2018-10-29 Cryptography, GPG, Maven, Security, sysadmin, Privacy, Linux, Windows, Mac
Get Password in Console with Ruby 2018-11-04 Ruby, CLI, sysadmin, Linux, Windows, Mac
Get Module File Information in Python 2018-11-11 Python, CLI, sysadmin
Import Python Module by String Name 2018-11-11 Python
Walk a Directory in Python 2018-11-12 Python, sysadmin, CLI
reStructuredText (RST) Tutorial 2019-03-20 reStructuredText, documentation, Python's Game Jam - 1 Bitcoin prize! 2019-03-20 Game dev
Live Coding: Installing Arch Linux in virtual machine 2019-03-30 Arch Linux, Live Coding
Live Coding: Discord AI chat bots in Python 2019-03-30 Discord, Chat bot, AIML, Python, Bot, Live Coding
Live Coding: Custom Minecraft server and plugin setup (Day 0) 2019-03-30 Minecraft, Java, Live Coding
Live Coding: Minecraft custom plugin development (Day 1) 2019-03-30 Minecraft, Java, Live Coding
Live Coding: PayPal IPN with Python Flask 2019-03-30 Python, Flask, PayPal, Live Coding, Ecommerce
Live Coding: Learning Rust from scratch 2019-03-30 Rust, Live Coding
Live Coding: Django CLI & cron (Website Up Checker) 2019-03-30 Live Coding, Django, cron, sysadmin, Python
Live Coding: Minecraft plugin dev & server customization (Day 2) 2019-03-30 Minecraft, Java, Live Coding
Live Coding: Advanced Python Discord Bots (Music, Database, RPG) 2019-03-30 Python, Discord, Bot, Live Coding
Live Coding: Django custom authentication 2019-03-30 Django, Python, Live Coding, Authentication
Live Coding: Flask & OAuth2 (Login with Discord) 2019-03-30 Python, Flask, Authentication, OAuth2, Discord, Live Coding
Live Coding: Web templating w/ Bootstrap CSS in Django 2019-03-30 Python, Django, CSS, Bootstrap, Live Coding
Live Coding: Minecraft & Discord integration, plugins, server mods (Day 3) 2019-03-30 Minecraft, Java, Discord, Bot, Live Coding
Live Coding: Minecraft backups & WorldGuard (Day 4) 2019-03-30 Minecraft, Java, Live Coding
Live Coding: Port scanners in C, Go, Python, Java 2019-03-30 Live Coding, Python, C, Java, Go, Security
Live Coding: Building a Rust Cookbook (Cross-compiling, Threading, Linking to C libs) 2019-03-30 Rust, Cookbook, Live Coding
Live Coding: Python Web Scraping & Crawling 2019-03-30 Python, Live Coding, Web Crawling, Web Scraping, Security
Live Coding: Python GUIs w/ Kivy 2019-03-30 Python, Live Coding, Kivy, GUI
Live Coding: Android Bitcoin price checker (Java, Python, Kotlin) 2019-03-30 Live Coding, Python, Java, Kotlin, Android, Kivy, Bitcoin
Live Coding: Game of Life in Python w/ Pygame 2019-03-30 Python, PyGame, Live Coding, Game dev
Live Coding: Arduino Circuit Simulator & Designer 2019-03-30 Live Coding, Arduino, C++, Electronics
Live Coding: Learning Ansible from Scratch 2019-03-30 Python, Automation, Devops, Ansible, Live Coding
Live Coding: PyQt5 GUIs w/ Python 2019-03-30 Python, GUI, Live Coding, Qt
Live Coding: Making an Electron App 2019-03-30 Live Coding, JavaScript, Electron, GUI
Live Coding: Learning React from Scratch 2019-03-30 React, Live Coding, Cookbook, GUI, JavaScript
Live Coding: Mobile App w/ React Native (GPS bookmarker) 2019-03-30 Live Coding, JavaScript, React, Android, GUI
Live Coding: Learning Django REST Framework 2019-03-30 Django, Python, Live Coding
Live Coding: React Native Mobile App w/ Django REST Framework (GPS bookmarker) 2019-03-30 Django, React, Python, JavaScript, Live Coding, Android, GUI
Live Coding: Making Web Browser Extensions (Bug Bounty Buddy) 2019-03-30 JavaScript, Firefox, Chrome, Browser Extensions, Security
Live Coding: Django AllAuth Package (OAuth2) 2019-03-30 Django, Python, Authentication, OAuth2, Live Coding, Security
Drupal 8.6.9 RCE Exploiting with Python (CVE-2019-6340/SA-CORE-2019-003) 2019-03-30 Python, Drupal, PHP, Security
Live Coding: Learning TypeScript 2019-03-30 Live Coding, JavaScript, TypeScript, Cookbook
Live Coding: Learning Angular Framework 2019-03-30 Live Coding, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, GUI
Live Coding: Braintree Payment API 2019-03-30 Braintree, Ecommerce, PayPal, Live Coding, Python
Live Coding: Stripe Payment API 2019-03-30 Python, Ecommerce, Live Coding, Stripe
Live Coding: Minecraft backup script in Ruby (Day 5) 2019-03-30 Ruby, Minecraft, sysadmin, Live Coding
Live Coding: Rust & WebAssembly 2019-03-30 Live Coding, Rust, WebAssembly, JavaScript, Browser Extensions
Live Coding: Documentation w/ (RTFD) 2019-03-30 Python, reStructuredText, documentation, Live Coding
Live Coding: Learning Crystal from Scratch 2019-03-30 Live Coding, Crystal, Cookbook, Ruby
Live Coding: Mobile App with Cordova (GPS tool) 2019-03-30 JavaScript, Android, Cordova, Live Coding
Live Coding: Bug Bounty Browser Extension (WIP) 2019-03-30 JavaScript, Browser Extensions, Live Coding
Live Coding: File Forensics with Rust 2019-03-30 Rust, Live Coding, Cookbook, Security
Live Coding: Learning Vue.js 2019-03-30 Live Coding, JavaScript, Vue, GUI
Live Coding: Data Visualization with D3.js 2019-03-30 JavaScript, D3.js, GUI, Live Coding
Live Coding: Getting Better w/ Vim 2019-03-30 vim, sysadmin, Live Coding, IDE
Live Coding: Getting Better with VSCode 2019-03-30 IDE, Live Coding
Live Coding: Selenium Browser Automation 2019-03-30 Python, JavaScript, Browser Extensions, Selenium, GUI, Automation, Live Coding
Live Coding: Learning Dart from Scratch 2019-03-30 Live Coding, Dart, Cookbook
Live Coding: Mobile App w/ Flutter 2019-03-30 Android, Flutter, Dart, Live Coding
Vim Cheatsheet 2019-03-31 vim, sysadmin, Linux, cheatsheet, reference
Live Coding: Mobile App w/ NativeScript 2019-03-31 Live Coding, NativeScript, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js
Rebind Caps Lock key to Escape/Control 2019-03-31 cheatsheet, reference, Linux, vim, sysadmin, Windows, Mac
Live Coding: Android Port Scanner 2019-04-01 Live Coding, Android, mobile, Java, Kotlin
Live Coding: Python Honeypot 2019-04-03 Live Coding, Python, Security, sysadmin, Linux, systemd, pip
Docker Basics 2019-04-05 Docker, sysadmin, Linux, Windows, Mac
Publish Java Packages to Maven Central Repository 2019-04-05 Maven, Java
Debian Package Tutorial (dpkg/.deb) 2019-04-05 Linux, sysadmin, dpkg, Debian
Windows Run a Script on Startup 2019-04-05 Windows, sysadmin, CLI
SSH Tips 2019-04-05 Linux, Windows, Mac, sysadmin, SSH
Windows Desktop Notifications in Python 2019-04-05 Windows, Python, Kivy, Plyer, GUI, notifications
Dialog Boxes with Python 2019-04-05 Python, Windows, Linux, Mac, GUI, notifications
Create a Linux Desktop Launch Icon 2019-04-21 Linux, GUI, sysadmin
Colorize Ruby Terminal Output 2019-04-21 Ruby, CLI, sysadmin
Bash Brace Expansion Tutorial 2019-04-22 Bash, CLI, sysadmin, Linux
Fix "Broken Pipe" error on SSH connection in Fedora/VMWare 2019-04-24 sysadmin, Linux, SSH
Ubuntu vs Debian vs Fedora vs Arch vs Linux Mint 2019-04-27 Linux, sysadmin, Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, Linux Mint
Angular vs React vs Vue.js 2019-04-27 JavaScript, Angular, Vue, React, NativeScript
Python Virtual Environments Tutorial 2019-05-08 Python, sysadmin, Linux, Mac, Windows
How to solve "Error: Cannot find module '*.js'" with Node.js 2019-05-14 Node.js, JavaScript
Ruby Rake Tutorial 2019-05-20 Ruby, Rake, Devops, sysadmin
Ruby Heredoc Tutorial 2019-05-20 Ruby
Enhanced Shell Scripting with Ruby 2019-05-21 Ruby, sysadmin, Devops
Ruby Exception Handling Tutorial 2019-05-21 Ruby, sysadmin, Devops
VirtualBox Disk Encryption Tutorial 2019-05-22 VirtualBox, Linux, Windows, sysadmin, Cryptography
Python Catch SIGINT (CTRL-C) 2019-05-25 Python
PyInstaller Tutorial 2019-05-25 Python, Windows, Mac, Linux, sysadmin
Python3 Qt5 (PyQt5) Tutorial 2019-05-25 Python, Windows, Mac, Linux, GUI, sysadmin, Qt
Python import, sys.path, and PYTHONPATH Tutorial 2019-06-01 Python
How to Type Extended ASCII Characters 2019-06-02 ASCII, Editor
ISSH 2019-06-03 Python, Project, curses, TUI, sysadmin, SSH
DevNix 2019-06-08 Python, Linux, sysadmin, Project, Fedora, yum, dnf
Curses Programming in Python 2019-06-10 Python, curses, Windows, Mac, Linux, TUI
How to Verify a GPG Signature 2019-06-16 GPG, Cryptography, sysadmin
How to Verify a Checksum 2019-06-16 Cryptography, sysadmin
Deploy Angular Apps with Nginx 2019-06-22 Nginx, Angular, sysadmin, Linux, JavaScript, TypeScript, Fedora
How to Deploy Django with Nginx and uWSGI 2019-06-22 Nginx, sysadmin, Linux, Django, Python, wsgi, uwsgi
Deploy Ruby Rack Web Apps with uWSGI and Nginx 2019-06-23 Nginx, sysadmin, Fedora, wsgi, uwsgi, Ruby, Sinatra, Linux
Ruby Sinatra Tutorial 2019-06-25 Ruby, Web, Sinatra
Disable Shared Clipboard in VMware Player 2019-06-25 VMWare, sysadmin
Ruby SQLite Tutorial 2019-06-26 Ruby, SQLite
SQLite3 Tutorial 2019-06-27 SQLite, sysadmin
Get Directory of Current .py File 2019-07-04 Python
Python configuration files (INI) 2019-07-05 Python
NeoTrellis M4 CircuitPy Tutorial (AdaBox 010) 2019-07-08 Python, CircuitPy, Arduino, NeoTrellis M4, ADXL343, SAMD51, ARM, AdaBox, Adafruit, Electronics
Ruby ActiveRecord (without Rails) Tutorial 2019-07-12 Ruby, ActiveRecord, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL
How to Connect to a Serial Console 2019-07-13 Serial, sysadmin, Linux, Mac, Windows, Android, Arduino, CircuitPy, Electronics
PyPortal CircuitPy Tutorial (AdaBox 011) 2019-07-14 Python, CircuitPy, Arduino, PyPortal, ADT7410, SAMD51, AdaBox, Adafruit, MIDI, ESP32, TFT, NeoPixel, Electronics
Arduino CLI Tutorial 2019-07-17 Arduino, PyPortal, SAMD51, AVR, Adafruit, NeoTrellis M4, NeoPixel, C++, CLI, Electronics
Add Free Icons to a Web App 2019-07-18 HTML, Web, CSS
Angular Create Multiple Environment Files 2019-07-18 Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Web
AJAX HTTP Requests with Vanilla JavaScript 2019-07-20 JavaScript, AJAX, Web, HTTP, HTML
How to Setup WordPress in Windows 2019-07-21 Windows, WordPress, PHP, MySQL, sysadmin
How to serve Angular locally over HTTPS 2019-07-21 Angular, Web, JavaScript, SSL, OpenSSL
Using Stripe.js Elements with Angular 2019-07-21 Angular, Stripe, JavaScript
How to Build Python from Source 2019-08-01 Python, sysadmin, Linux
NativeScript Tutorial 2019-08-30 JavaScript, TypeScript, Android, mobile, GUI, Angular, NativeScript
Create a Windows .ico Icon File 2019-09-03 Windows, GUI
Set Environment Variables in Windows 2019-09-03 Windows, sysadmin, CLI
Recursively Copy, Delete, and Move Directories in Windows 2019-09-03 Windows, sysadmin, CLI
Electron with Angular Tutorial 2019-09-03 JavaScript, TypeScript, GUI, Windows, Linux, Mac, Angular
Python Use StringIO to Capture STDOUT and STDERR 2019-09-07 Python, CLI
STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR, Piping, and Redirecting 2019-09-07 CLI, sysadmin, Linux, Windows, Mac
Python Logging Tutorial 2019-09-07 Python, CLI, sysadmin
Expose a Local Port over a Remote VPS with SSH Remote Port Forwarding 2019-09-07 CLI, sysadmin, TCP, SSH, Linux
Python Kivy Tutorial 2019-09-09 Python, GUI, Android, mobile, Kivy
Seeeduino Nano Tutorial 2019-09-12 Arduino, CLI, Seeeduino, C++, Electronics
Arduino Libraries Tutorial 2019-09-13 Arduino, C++
Java Keytool Tutorial 2019-09-13 Java, SSL, Keytool, Cryptography, Security, TomCat, Android
How to Publish Android Apps to Google Play Store 2019-09-14 Android, Keytool, mobile, NativeScript, Kivy, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Python
United Airlines Wi-Fi is Limited 2019-09-28 Rant
Bob Martin's Open Letter to the Linux Foundation 2019-11-13 Philosophy
Compiling SQLite3 with C++ 2020-01-10 C, C++, SQLite, gcc, Windows, Mac, Linux
curl Tutorial 2020-01-11 C, C++, cURL, Windows, Mac, Linux, CLI, sysadmin
Schedule a shutdown in Windows (sleep timer) 2020-01-19 Windows, sysadmin, CLI
Create custom launcher in Windows for custom file extensions 2020-01-19 Windows, sysadmin, CLI
How to Create Java Runtime Images with jlink 2020-01-20 Java, sysadmin
Symmetric encryption with Python using Fernet (AES) 2020-02-10 Python, Cryptography, Security, Application Security
Use jpackage to Create Native Java App Installers 2020-02-11 Java, jpackage, Windows, Mac, Linux, sysadmin
Create Parent Directories with Python 2020-02-11 Python, sysadmin
Working with JSON in Python 2020-02-12 Python, JSON
Get User Input in Python 2020-02-12 Python, CLI
Windows EOF CTRL-D equivalent 2020-02-14 Windows, CLI, sysadmin
Taking Command Line Arguments in Python 2020-02-14 Python, CLI, sysadmin
Using stdin, stdout, and stderr in Python 2020-02-15 Python, CLI
Working with Files and Directories in Python 2020-02-15 Python, sysadmin
How to add trusted CA certificate on CentOS/Fedora 2020-02-25 Fedora, CentOS, Linux, sysadmin, OpenSSL, Web, HTTP, cURL
Installing Python 3 on MacOS 2020-02-28 Mac, Python, sysadmin
Python Forking Tutorial 2020-02-29 Python, Linux, Mac
Python SQLite3 Tutorial 2020-03-01 SQLite, Python
Get Operating System Info in Python 2020-03-06 Python, Mac, Linux, Windows, sysadmin
Setup Python WSGI apps on cPanel (Flask/Django) 2020-03-11 Python, wsgi, sysadmin, cPanel, Linux
How to format an SD card or USB flash drive 2020-03-11 sysadmin, Raspberry Pi, Linux, CLI
Python MySQL Tutorial 2020-03-13 MySQL, Python
Read and Send Email with Python 2020-03-14 Python, sysadmin, email
Python FTP Client Tutorial 2020-03-15 Python, FTP, Web
Python Environment Variables Tutorial 2020-03-15 Python, sysadmin
Python SSH Tutorial 2020-03-16 Python, SSH, sysadmin, Linux, Mac
Working with Git Repositories in Python 2020-03-17 Python, git, sysadmin devops
PHP Composer Basics 2020-03-21 PHP, Composer
How to Setup Drupal on MacOS 2020-03-21 PHP, Drupal, MySQL, SQLite, sysadmin
Tips and Tricks for Colab 2020-03-28 Colab, Google, Python, Jupyter, Guest Post
Run JavaScript After DOM is Fully Loaded 2020-05-04 JavaScript, Web, DOM
How to Setup Drupal for Local Development with Just PHP 2020-05-17 PHP, Drupal, sysadmin, Devops
Working with Dates and Times in Python 3 2020-06-18 Python
Run Python Script as Windows Service 2020-08-01 Python, Windows, sysadmin
Run Python WSGI Web App with Waitress 2020-08-01 Python, wsgi, uwsgi, Gunicorn, Waitress, sysadmin, Web
Open a Linux Firewall port with firewall-cmd 2020-08-02 Linux, sysadmin, network, firewall
How to Create a Secure Linux System User 2020-08-03 Linux, sysadmin, Security, Devops
How to Specify SSH key for Git repository 2020-08-03 Linux, git, sysadmin, Devops
Tmux Basics 2020-08-04 Linux, sysadmin, CLI
Cron Job Examples and Tip 2020-08-04 Linux, Mac, cron, sysadmin, Devops
Working with JSON in PHP 2020-08-04 PHP, JSON, Web
Generate a Dynamic favicon with PHP 2020-08-04 PHP, Web
Redirect to a URL with PHP 2020-08-04 PHP, Web
Working with Files and Directories with PHP 2020-08-04 PHP, Files, CLI
HTTP Basic Authentication with PHP 2020-08-05 PHP, Web, Security
Process Form Inputs with PHP 2020-08-05 PHP, Files, Web, Security
Convert Markdown to HTML with Python 2020-08-23 Python, Markdown, HTML, Web
Why bpython is Awesome 2021-03-08 Python, bpython
Install Linux in VirtualBox 2021-03-08 Linux, Debian, VirtualBox, sysadmin
Change Console Font Size in Debian 2021-03-08 Linux, Debian
Change GRUB Bootloader colors, image & timeout 2021-03-08 Linux, GRUB, Debian, customize
Build Node.js from Source 2021-03-09 JavaScript, Node.js, Linux, Debian
Which Linux Distro do I use? 2021-03-13 Linux, Debian, Fedora, Philosophy
Python Packaging Tutorial 2021-12-14 Python
Install VirtualBox Guest Additions in Debian 2021-12-14 Debian, VirtualBox
Install Lutris Gaming on Debian 2021-12-23 Debian, Gaming, Linux, sysadmin, Wine
2-minute Intro to p5.js 2021-12-27 Processing, p5.js, JavaScript, Creative Coding
Express.js Basics 2021-12-27 Express.js, JavaScript, Web
Websocket Basics with JavaScript 2021-12-28 JavaScript, Node.js, WebSockets Basics 2021-12-28 WebSockets,, JavaScript, Web
How to Create an NPM Package 2021-12-28 Node.js, npm, JavaScript
Adabox 019 MacroPad 2022-06-26 AdaBox, Adafruit, MacroPad

