nanodano's blog

Hello World with Tcl

Tcl is a language similar Bash because every line is a command and it can be scripted similar to shell scripts. Tcl can be used by itself but it typically embedded inside larger applications. Tcl with Tk toolkit allows you to create GUI applications. Once nice thing about Tcl/Tk is that it is widely available and works on multiple platforms. It does not create the nicest looking GUIs because it does not use native windows, but they are effective. Let's look at the most basic Hello World program. Let's name it hello.tcl.

How to Write GTK Applications with PHP

It is possible to write GTK2 application using PHP. It is a little work to get it compiled and installed, but once configured it is easy to write programs with GTK2. As of June 22, 2015 a development branch has been created for GTK3. Follow these installation instructions first. Then try out the code samples below. Load the php-gtk2 module in your php.ini as well.

How to Crawl Web Pages with PHP

Uwe Hunfeld provides an object oriented library called PHPCrawl available at This class can be used to crawl web pages with many different parameters. It also allows you to process each page and do what manipulation or scraping you need to do. You accomplish this by overriding the base class and implementing your own functionality in the handleDocumentInfo() and handleHeaderInfo() functions. Use the code below as an example of how to create your own web crawler. If you want to learn how to parse the HTML DOM and extract things like links and headings, check out the post on How to Parse HTML DOM with PHP.

How to Use Tk to Make GUI Applications with PHP

PHP/TK implements object oriented bindings for TCL/TK that can be used to create GUI applications. It only works on Unix systems. PHP must be configured to allow dynamic linking with enable_dl = On in the php.ini. The shared object file ( can be downloaded manually from PECL. The shared object file goes inside your php modules folder which is typically something like /usr/lib/php/modules. Look for the folder with other .so files or refer to your particular distribution documentation.

How to Use SQLite3 with PHP

SQLite is a relational database that stores data in memory or in a single portable file. These code snippets demonstrate how to use SQLite with PHP. One thing to note about exec verus query: the first executes a result-less query, and the latter performs a query that returns results. It is better to use a prepared statement than a query though. It is easier, safer, and will use less memory.