- Labs
There are many ways you can help support DevDungeon. If you become a member or purchase any books, courses, and services it helps go towards keeping all the infrastructure running and allows me to work on it more.
To learn more about membership, see the Community page. Join and become a full-fledged member of the virtual hackerspace. You will get exclusive access to things like the DevDungeon Mainframe server, an email address, and an XMPP account.
Cathy is an AI chat bot for Discord servers. will check your website and alert you when it goes down along with weekly uptime reports.
For private tutoring and mentorship, reach out to via email.
I have two promotional affiliate links that I can share with everyone. If you sign up using these links they will help cover infrastructure costs for DevDungeon. Interserver is better for simple websites and DigitalOcean is better if you have serious cloud infrastructure needs.
If you are feeling very generous and simply want to throw cash at me, you can make a direct donation via PayPal. If you would like to donate another way, please email